Enjoy Your Journey Everyday!!!!

Enjoy Your Journey Everyday!!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010


Jeremy celebrated his 30th Birthday last week. We've been together since he was 16. Wow! Time flies. We had a great time with family, dinner out, etc. I celebrated my 30th birthday last year. I know turning 30 is tough for some people, but I am actually really enjoying this decade. I feel more settled. It seems like I appreciate the little things in life more. I'm sure I'll look back to these years later in life and say learned a lot since then. However, for now I am looking forward to what this decade holds!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Breathe and Relax

I recently joined a weekly yoga class. A girlfriend had invited me to a class she was attending at a local fitness center. I have done yoga at home in the past, but I like the class setting much better. It's nice to have an instructor leading us through the steps, challenging and encouraging us. I think one of the things I enjoy most about yoga is the balance it can help bring during a crazy week. I know everyone can relate, "too many things to do in a 24 hr period". Sometimes it's nice to take 50 minutes to stretch, breathe, and relax. I may have a million things on the to do list, the break helps me refocus on what's really important in life!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Homeward Bound

"Life is a Journey that's homeward bound"(Herman Mellville) As I mentioned in my profile, we recently moved back to our hometown. It has been quite a journey getting here. We left about 8 years ago for school. The years went by and it became clear that we wanted to return back home. We were so glad when we knew that would be an option. Last summer we were making plans to build a new home, one thing lead to another, it didn't happen. In the meantime we found a home we both really loved! So we bought it and have been remodeling since. We only have a few finishing touches for the remodel to be complete. It has been a fun and at times a trying experience. We and many others have put a lot of work into this endeavour. I appreciate now that things don't always turn out how you plan!!!