Enjoy Your Journey Everyday!!!!

Enjoy Your Journey Everyday!!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Happy Birthday.... "16 candles times 2"

Yes, this week I am turning 32. I can't believe it's been 16 years since my 16th birthday. I know getting older really bothers some people. I actually enjoy it. I know it's cliche, but it beats the alternative.

I'm always changing and learning. I have great memories from all of the decades to this point. I am really enjoying my 30's. I think I've mentioned before, but I feel like I'm coming into my own. It seems like I'm learning to embrace new things and really accept myself.

I'm looking forward to the birthday celebrations for this week. Dinners with family, cards, gifts, wishes, etc. Just celebrating the gift of another year!!!!!

Spring Wish List

One of the things I love most about living in Arkansas is that we get to experience the difference in the seasons. It seems like when another season is about to start; I am ready for it.

It's no different this year. The groundhog told us last week that spring is on the way!!!! I am ready for it. I have thought about the things that are on my spring wish list, here are a few:

Temperature Spring Weather

Outdoor Activities: Canoeing, Hiking, Picnics, Etc.


Outdoor Landscaping Projects

Fresh Air

Spring Cleaning

Outdoor Dining at Restaurants

No More Coats, Gloves, Scarves ( love them during fall and winter, but I'm ready for them to go)

Driving with the top down

The list could go on and on. I can't wait to enjoy every minute of spring!!!!!