We had a couple of days. We packed them full of activities, but still had time to relax. Our friends were participating in a conference, so when they were free we hung out together. It was really nice to catch up with them.
We went to several shows. I think our favorite show was Le Reve at the Wynn Hotel, it was amazing!!!! It was visually one of the coolest things I've seen. We also saw the Lion King, I absolutely loved it!!! I've wanted to see it for a while, it did not disappoint. Then there was the David Copperfield Show. I'm still saying, huh.... There are things I haven't figured out.
We toured the Bodies exhibit at the Luxor. I had reservations about this, but it was really informative. I took anatomy in college, but I learned so much from this exhibit. I think everyone should see it once. We took a mini walking tour one day. We found an area on the strip, that has been recently developed. The photo is at the top of the page, it looked like something out of a science fiction movie. The food..... It was wonderful. There are so many different types of food. I love living in Russellville, but I do miss some of the ethnic foods. I had some Greek food and ethnic seafood, yum.
The trip was so much fun!!!! It was a nice way to end my Christmas break. I start school next week. This trip was a nice escape before the busy spring semester.
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