Last weekend we headed to Chicago for a sail boat trade show/conference. We had a blast(minus this mama worrying about a sick baby at home with my parents)! It was our first time to visit the city outside of the airport. We did realize very quickly that Chicago in January may have not been the wisest idea for one who isn't crazy about cold weather, burr...
This trip was little different than any of our other travels, because we spent the entire time without our luggage. Crazy travel switches, long story.short, we arrived in Chicago while our luggage was in Dallas. It arrived at the airport after we had already traveled into the city. We decided since we would only be there 48 hours, we could pick our luggage up on the return home. So we made due with what we had in our carry on luggage, picked up necessary toiletries at the airport gift shop, and decided to buy essential garments at a clothing retail shop in the city.
This type of behavior was completely atypical for me. However, I found it quite liberating. I truly enjoyed the trip, rather than toting so much stuff around. We have condensed our luggage greatly over the past few years, but this was another level. I decided I actually really prefer it. It's amazing the experiences you can have when you open your mind and just "travel light".

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