Enjoy Your Journey Everyday!!!!

Enjoy Your Journey Everyday!!!!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Launching Apollo

I opened up my business location last week, very excited! I have taken care of our rental properties in the past from home.  So it will be great to have an actual location, tenants can visit.  It's been a long process repairing our business location, setting up our processes, and developing into a larger operation.  It took a little bit longer than originally anticipated for everything to come together.
Sometimes it can be a little scary to step out of one's "comfort zone" and begin a new venture.  I am so excited I think it may outweigh my fears.  I'm looking forward to networking in the community.  I am also excited about being able to serve our tenants in a greater capacity in our new location. 
I think the next few weeks will be an adjustment, learning what flows well and what doesn't.  However all change has a transition period which can lead to a remarkable transformation in the end.  So I'm ready for the challenges, struggles, and successes waiting around the corner! 

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