Enjoy Your Journey Everyday!!!!

Enjoy Your Journey Everyday!!!!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Little Man Turns 1!!!!!

One year ago today, we were anxiously awaiting the arrival of our son Lincoln. After almost two weeks of bed rest in the hospital, but still three and a half weeks early we were full of nervous excitement. At 8:36 am, our baby boy came out screaming. It was music to my ears. He has added so incredibly to our journey over the last year. Lincoln has taught us some things over the last few months: the true meaning of parenthood, there is not a limit to how much coffee one human can consume in a 24 hour period, all consuming love, how to be circus performers to hold off a meltdown, the crazy amount of diapers you receive at your baby showers will run out, kids tunes can reoccur in your dreams, floors are never as clean as you think they are (little ones can find the littlest things), code words for a quick exit with a crying baby, your outfit is not complete without spit up or baby food, the thrill of an afternoon nap or a few hours of consecutive sleep, the holidays never used to be this fun, we've never been this busy, this flexible, worried this much, laughed this hard, challenged ourselves to be better people, been completely captivated watching someone grow. We are truly blessed to be his parents. What a privilege to be entrusted with his care. Happy 1st Birthday to our little man!!!!!!!! (REPOSTED FROM FACEBOOK PAGE, FRIDAY, 3/28/2014)

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Me, Myself, and I.....

I'm definitely unpredictable,  the two photos were taken one weekend apart.  We had a wonderful time at both events.  The lower photo was taken at our Junior Auxiliary Charity Ball this year.  The theme was "A Night with Gatsby", fantastic.  We had a terrific time as usual. Being a provisional JA member this year, I had the opportunity to assist with the event.  The top photo was taken at a local paintball course for my belated birthday celebration.  I have always wanted to play.  It was a blast!!!! I definitely got into it; I think my guests did too. 
I am so thankful in my mid thirties I am truly allowing myself to be me (hints the title).  I like so many different things.  Some of which are completely opposite.  I love The Lord of the Rings/Hobbit stories, but also love being a girly girl.  I love living in the country, but truly enjoy visiting Manhattan.  I love hanging out on our sailboat wearing boat shoes one weekend. I love getting all dressed up and going out for an event the next weekend.  I have Beethoven and Linkin Park on my playlist.  I love acting silly with my son, then cuddling with him the next.  I enjoy spending time on the beach and in the woods in the same week. 
I hope I continue to be able to evolve as life goes along.  I always want to be open to new challenges and change.  You never know what's around the next corner.  Life is beautiful, messy, unpredictable, and precious.  Here's to enjoying every second, as me, myself, and I.....

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Taking It In....

I think 2014 can be summed up for me as "taking it in".  I have been trying to just be in the moment more.  There are so many things in life that I almost miss, simply being to busy to notice.  This picture was taken on one of our date nights.  We spent time enjoying our local bookstore.  We've been there a bunch of times, but that night we discovered some great titles on sailing(one of our favorite pastimes).  I'm sure the books have been there for a long while, simply missed because of our busyness. 
I think my need to slow down is driven by our son Lincoln.  He's almost 1, so full of life and energy.  He is always changing.  I'm afraid sometimes, if we don't slow down and take it in, we'll miss some remarkable event in Lincoln's life.  There are days I have to pinch myself.  Is this incredible life truly mine.  I'm blessed beyond words to be this little boy's mom and be married to my lifetime love. 
My hope is to make "taking it in" my life pursuit.  Continually learning....admiring....striving.....growing.....changing....loving.....

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Traveling Light.....

Last weekend we headed to Chicago for a sail boat trade show/conference.  We had a blast(minus this mama worrying about a sick baby at home with my parents)! It was our first time to visit the city outside of the airport.  We did realize very quickly that Chicago in January may have not been the wisest idea for one who isn't crazy about cold weather, burr... 
This trip was little different than any of our other travels, because we spent the entire time without our luggage.  Crazy travel switches, long story.short, we arrived in Chicago while our luggage was in Dallas.  It arrived at the airport after we had already traveled into the city.  We decided since we would only be there 48 hours, we could pick our luggage up on the return home.  So we made due with what we had in our carry on luggage, picked up necessary toiletries at the airport gift shop, and decided to buy essential garments at a clothing retail shop in the city. 
This type of behavior was completely atypical for me.  However, I found it quite liberating.  I truly enjoyed the trip, rather than toting so much stuff around.  We have condensed our luggage greatly over the past few years, but this was another level.  I decided I actually really prefer it.  It's amazing the experiences you can have when you open your mind and just "travel light".